Root Cause Analysis Essentials C121

This 1½-day version of our popular Root Cause Analysis course is designed for personnel performing investigations of simple incidents. The focus of the course is on identifying causal factors, root causes, and recommendations for human performance problems and equipment issues.

Who Should Attend This Course?

  • Personnel performing investigations of simple incidents

What Will I Learn in This Course?

  • Receive valuable materials: The SOURCE Investigator's Toolkit™ to help you gather and organize your data; a Root Cause Map™ for your company to use; a 300-page Root Cause Analysis Handbook that includes details on the use of the Root Cause Map™; and a FREE Excel® template for documenting timelines and cause and effect trees
  • Complete solutions to example problems
  • 1.0 CEU, 1.0 COC, 1.67 CMs, ABIH approval #10-231

Mr. Lee Vanden Heuvel - Manager of Incident Investigation/Root Cause Analysis Services and Senior Risk/Reliability Engineer, ABS Consulting

Ms. Julie Ott - General Manager, ABS Consulting