Next Course | Class Type | Address | City | State | Price |
3/24/2025 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST - March 20 - 21, Virtual | | | Instructor Led Virtual Course | ON | $1,325.00 |
During this 2-day in-person or 2.5 part day virutal course, attendees learn how to examine and categorize specific human errors to identify the conditions and situations that contributed to mistakes. Attendees also discover why most human mistakes and human factors are caused by error-likely situations, which typically stem from weaknesses in the policies/practices that influence how organizations select, train, supervise, communicate with, and design workplaces for workers. You will learn how to apply several human performance assessment tools, including error-likely situation checklist analyses, walkthrough analyses, guideword analyses, risk-reward analyses, and ABC (antecedent-behavior-consequence) analysis. You will participant in several workshops so you will be able to apply these tools immediately. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach so you will know when and where to apply each of these approaches. Finally, we will talk about how to integrate these tools and approaches into equipment designs, incident investigations, management of change, and proactive analyses (e.g., PHAs, FMEAs).
Combine this course with Root Cause Analysis and Incident Investigation and save!
Who Should Attend This Course?
- Those seeking techniques to analyze facilities, systems, and operations proactively and reactively
- Those seeking new prevention and mitigation approaches to solve human performance problems
What Will I Learn in This Course?
- Learn the underlying reasons why human errors occur
- Learn how to correct human performance issues before they cause problems
- Learn how to assist others in your organization in dealing with human performance in your operations
- 1.2 CEUs, 1.2 COCs, 2.0 CMs, ABIH approval #10-238
DURATION: 2 DAYS in person,
Lee Vanden Heuvel - Manager of Incident Investigation/Root Cause Analysis Services and Senior Risk/Reliability Engineer, ABS Consulting
Donald Lorenzo - Senior Technical Director of Onsite Training, ABS Consulting
Gay-Ellen Stulp - Instructor, ABS Consulting
Julie Ott - Senior Manger, Operations