Explosion Hazards and Application to Incident Investigations C128

Gain an improved understanding of industrial explosion sources, effects, and consequences. The training will aid in understanding sequence of events that various energetic sources can result in an explosion; discerning potential causal factors as part of a root cause analysis, and identifying damage mechanisms at an incident scene.  This course will assist investigation teams in identifying root causes and making recommendations.

Who should attend:

  • Those who investigate industrial accidents including:
    • Investigators
    • Team Leads
    • Directors
  • Those who perform Incident Root Cause Analyses (RCAs)
  • Those who perform explosion hazard assessments
  • Those who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of explosion mechanisms and consequences.

What will I learn?

  • Understand fundamentals of an explosion
  • Know the different types of explosions and their effects
  • Learn about explosion analysis and modeling techniques
  • Understand the data and how it's collected in field surveys including source indicators, damage indicators and mapping, directional indicators
  • Know how cause and origins of an explosion are determined using release modeling, material sampling and testing, explosion yield assessment, and blast damage modeling

Duration: 2 Days, in-person


Mr. Johnny Waclawczyk, P.E. - Director, Engineering

Mr. Charles Vergara - Lead Engineer

Mr. Greg Knight - Director, Engineering

Mr. Jerry Collinsworth – Principal Engineer