Consequence Analysis C230

This course covers current regulatory requirements, including source term modeling (release rate, pool formation and evaporation, and aerosol formation methods); atmospheric dispersion modeling (meteorological concepts and passive and dense vapor cloud dispersion methods); fire modeling (pool fire, jet fire, boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion [BLEVE] fireball, and flash fire methods); explosion modeling (vessel rupture, BLEVE, vapor cloud explosion, and confined explosion methods); data and correlations for evaluating personnel injury and facility/equipment damage resulting from toxic exposure, fires, and explosions; public and commercial software available for performing consequence analyses; and risk analysis methods.

Who Should Attend This Course?

  • Those who need a thorough understanding of consequence analysis techniques to comply with EPA's risk management program rule (40 CFR 68)
  • Those who use consequence analysis techniques to evaluate accidents for documented safety analyses
  • Those who use consequence analysis as an integral part of QRAs and SVAs
  • Those who develop plant/community emergency response plans using consequence analysis techniques
  • Participants should have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in science, engineering, or mathematics (attendees should bring a scientific calculator to the course)

What Will I Learn in This Course?

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of consequence analysis terminology, techniques, and software used in the industry
  • Learn the assumptions and limitations of the various techniques (when to apply them and when not to)
  • Understand and be equipped to use consequence analysis techniques in a variety of applications (SVAs, OCAs, QRAs, facility siting studies, emergency response planning, etc.)
  • 3.5 CEUs, 3.5 COCs, 5.85 CM, ABIH approval #10-246

Mr. Henrique Paula - Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, ABS Group

Mr. Michael Roberts - Manager of Consequence Analysis Services and Senior Engineer, ABS Consulting