Next Course | Class Type | Address | City | State | Price |
7/14/2025 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST - July 14 - 18, Knoxville, TN | | 830 Corridor Park Blvd., Suite 100 | Knoxville | TN | $2,845.00 |
Price includes a combined course discount over the price of the individual courses.
This is a combined course of:
Process Hazard Analysis Leader
Learn practical methods for performing process hazard analyses (PHAs) of systems, procedures, and computer software using the hazard and operability (HAZOPs), what if / what-if, and checklist analysis techniques that address federal regulatory requirements. Qualify as a "knowledgeable" PHA leader, as required by OSHA and EPA, and be eligible for certification as a PHA leader.
Dust Hazards Analysis
Learn practical methods for performing dust hazard analyses (DHAs) of industrial facilities. NFPA 652 contains retroactive requirements for a DHA. Now, all existing systems are required to have a DHA, and the time limit to perform this analysis is three years from the date of issuance of the standard, October 2015.
Mr. John Schaefer - Risk/Reliability Engineer, ABS Consulting
Mr. Donald Lorenzo - Director, ABS Consulting Training Services - Professional Engineer (P.E.), Technical Trainer, ABS Consulting
Mr. David Whittle - Director of Process Safety Services, ABS Consulting
Mr. Thomas Williams - Senior Risk/Reliability Engineer, ABS Consulting