Combo: Layer of Protection Analysis LOPA and Safety Integrity Level SIL Training C200/210

Next CourseClass TypeAddressCityStatePrice
1701 City Plaza DriveSpring (Houston)TX$2,295.00
Instructor Led Virtual CourseON$2,295.00
830 Corridor Park Blvd., Suite 100KnoxvilleTN$2,295.00

This is a combined course of:

  • Layer of Protection Analysis
    Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) is the newest methodology for hazard evaluation and risk assessment. On a sliding scale of sophistication and rigor, LOPA lies between the qualitative end of the scale (characterized by methods such as hazard and operability [HAZOP] analysis and what-if analysis) and the quantitative end (characterized by methods using fault trees and event trees). LOPA helps the analyst make consistent decisions on the adequacy of the existing or proposed layers of protection against an accident scenario. The decision-making process is ideally suited for coupling with a company’s risk-decision criteria, such as comparison to targets set by your company for controlling risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). Background and prior training in qualitative hazard evaluation methodologies (such as previous attendance at Process Hazard Analysis Leader training or the equivalent) are strongly recommended because LOPA builds on the skills and knowledge needed for hazard evaluations.
    1.2 CEUs, 1.2 COCs, 2.0 CMs, ABIH approval #10-241
  • Safety Integrity Level
    This course focuses on the principles involved in the design of high-integrity systems that conform to the requirements of ANSI SP 84 (formerly ISA 84.01) or control active pressure protection systems such as those allowed by ASME Code Case 2211. In this intensive 2-day course, you will learn how to evaluate the need for a high-integrity control system, evaluate potential system architectures, and analyze the system to determine its reliability characteristics.
    1.2 CEUs, 1.2 COCs, 2.0 CMs, ABIH approval #10-242
DURATION: 4 DAYS In person: Virtual 5 days, 6.5 hours per day
Mr. Rick Curtis - Senior Risk Engineer, ABS Consulting
Mr. Scott Sandler - Senior Process Risk Consultant, ABS Consulting

John Farquharson - Senior Risk/Reliability Engineer, ABS Consulting